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Addiction and Recovery: A How to Guide | Shawn Kingsbury | TEDxUIdaho

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Shawn, a promising athlete, took a turn towards alcohol and drugs. After 18 years of addiction, jail, detox, and treatment facilities, he found sobriety. Shawn began rebuilding his life. In an effort to bring help to others who were struggling, he founded a Pura Vida Recovery (PVR), an active sober community. In two short years, PVR has changed the landscape of recovery in Spokane, welcoming over 400 addicts walk through the front doors that display the organization’s motto, “Fit for change, Fit for life.”

Shawn, a promising athlete, took a turn towards alcohol and drugs. After 18 years of addiction, jail, detox, and treatment facilities, he found sobriety. Shawn began rebuilding his life. In an effort to bring help to others who were struggling, he founded a Pura Vida Recovery (PVR), an active sober community. In two short years, PVR has changed the landscape of recovery in Spokane, welcoming over 400 addicts walk through the front doors that display the organization’s motto, “Fit for change, Fit for life.”

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Video Rating: / 5

Be Recovered: Breaking free from the Disease of Addiction | Dean Taraborelli | TEDxSedona

NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We’ve flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it falls outside TEDx’s curatorial guidelines. This talk only represents the speaker’s personal understanding of and experiences with medical treatment, mental health, addiction, consciousness, energy, and human physiology and is not corroborated by scientific evidence. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:

Addiction continues to permeate our society and our lives in increasing numbers and new ways. The traditional addiction treatment paradigm insists that addiction is an incurable and chronic disease requiring lifelong symptom management. Thanks to advances in neuroscience and epigenetics, we now know that when underlying issues are resolved, addictions, depression, PTSD and anxiety can also be fully resolved. For over a decade, Dean Taraborelli has challenged traditional models head-on with a revolutionary Integrative Addiction Recovery program that combines the latest advances in science with ancient healing modalities to treat the whole person and has helped hundreds of clients to be recovered from addiction and to live full, meaningful lives. This provocative talk will challenge fundamental, underlying assumptions about addiction and paint an exciting path to a cure for what was previously thought to be incurable. Dean Taraborelli: He is the Founder, Administrator, Counselor at the Sanctuary at Sedona. He has a BA in Political Science and is currently Senior teaching staff at Four Winds Society, an international school of energy medicine. His credentials also include being an Ordained Minister; a Certified Shamanic Breathwork® Facilitator; a Founding Member Society for Shamanic Practitioners; a Member of Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology; a Member of National Institute for Holistic Addiction Studies. Dean has traveled extensively to sacred sites in over 60 countries to study world mythology, religion, spirituality, wisdom traditions and indigenous healing and wellness practices. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Video Rating: / 5

Lime Cordiale – Inappropriate Behaviour (Official Music Video)

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Lime Cordiale - Inappropriate Behaviour (Official Music Video)

Listen to our mini album with Idris Elba ‘Cordi Elba’ here!
Order “Cordi Elba” merch bundles here!

The New Album “14 Steps To A Better You” is Out Now!

The Squeeze Fest is back for 2022! Tickets on sale Friday December 3rd here:

Lime Cordiale – Inappropriate Behaviour (Official Music Video)

Music written by Oliver and Louis Leimbach.
Produced by Dave Hammer.

A film by Aimée-Lee X. Curran & Jack Shepherd
Director / Concept : Aimée-Lee X. Curran
Director of Photography: Jack Shepherd
Producers: Aimée-Lee X. Curran & Jami Blood
Production Managers: Jami Blood & Nic Parker
First Assistant Director: Carla Hedley
Production Assistant: Teiger Sceats
Production Designer: Bek Watson
Costume Stylist: Bek Watson
Hair & Make Up: Zoe Slatyer
1st AC: Thomas Austin
2nd AC: Lewis Clark
Gaffer: Kaillan Clay
Casting: Chicken & Chips Casting
Casting Directors: Stephanie Pringle & Alison Fowler
Casting Associate: Laura Hart
Casting Assistant: Hannah Darkling
Editor: Jack Shepherd
Colourist: Matt Campbell

Lime Cordiale as “LIME CORDIALE”
Bronte Bloxsom as “THE MANIPULATOR”
Matt Potter as “THE JANITOR”
Rob Hinder as “THE ENGINEER”
Guest appearance Michael Chugg as Himself

Special Thanks to:
The Turning Studios, Andrew & Tracey Bloxom, The Stitch Up Sydney, White Taro Cafe, Buzz Speaker Hire, Jai Ingram & Chugg Music

Follow Lime

#LimeCordiale #14StepsToABetterYou #InappropriateBehaviour

Elektrophile Addition an Doppelbindungen (Brom an Ethen)

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Elektrophile Addition Halogenen an Doppelbindungen Höh?
Wir erklären euch das mal mega einfach am Beispiel Brom an Ethen, Schritt für Schritt!



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Erase Anything You Want

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You are the erase master with the power to erase anything you want.

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Itro – Panda [NCS Release]

Understanding the use of GROUP BY clause in SQL

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Video Rating: / 5

Five Biblical Helps for Overcoming Addictions

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When struggling with an addiction, where do I turn? In this video, Mark provides five biblical helps for overcoming addictions.

Recorded on 8 September 2017
Prepared and presented by Mark Reynolds
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.​

Michigan Medicine Addiction Center

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Michigan Medicine Addiction Center

One in five Americans in their life will develop a serious addiction to drugs or alcohol. Addiction isn’t as simple as a failure to make good choices. The U-M Addiction Center – one of the leading centers in the country – is driving research forward and developing solutions to revolutionize how we approach and treat addiction disorders.
Video Rating: / 5

Grope Meaning in English and Hindi | Grope Synonyms and Antonyms | Grope in Sentences | Grope Means

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Grope Meaning in English and Hindi | Grope Synonyms and Antonyms | Grope in Sentences | Grope Means

My Dear Friends…
In this video, you will learn about Grope Meaning in English and Hindi, Grope Synonyms and Antonyms, Grope in Sentences, Grope meaning, Grope Meaning in English, Grope Meaning in Hindi, Grope synonyms, Grope antonyms, Grope sentences, Grope pronunciation, Meaning Grope,Advanced English Vocabulary, English Advanced Vocabulary, Meaning of Grope in English, Meaning of Grope in Hindi, Synonyms of Grope, Antonyms of Grope, Sentences of Grope, Grope means

Video Rating: / 5

My Daily Routine as a Recovering Addict

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My Daily Routine as a Recovering Addict

hello thank u for watching !!!! i’ve never filmed one of these “a day in my life” videos, and decided to do one now that so much has been changing in my life. Due to the timing, i decided to shape it around my recovery from active addiction. But in addition to this just show my daily life with my animals n such. ***ALSOOO i forgot to edit in the bit where i turn all my animals lights on but in the morning i also turn in bindi’s, twisty’s, and sabor’s lights. woops.

credit to for the piece of garbage audio during the intro lmao :’)

**This video isn’t about how addiction works, but just about my own experience, but my next two videos on this channel will discuss the cycle of addiction and how it works, and looking back on a timeline of the progression of my own illness!**

i also talk in this video about what early recovery looks like in general, and the steps commonly followed to take advantage of everything the recovery community has to offer (I include a timestamp in the video to skip this part if ur not interested in this information).
ok i’m aboutta rant because i’m super passionate about all of this lol
****I state this in the video as much as I can, but the list of steps i mention are only suggestions to take advantage of every layer of programs that the recovery community has to offer to transition you back into daily life, they are by no means a list a person MUST follow to achieve sobriety. This list just offers the most opportunities to help you, because it starts you in the most protection (rehab) and slowly gives you more and more time back to your personal life outside of recovery so you can stay safe. Rehab is only the first step, not a solution to your problem. Discovering you battle addiction isn’t like coming down with the flu, seeing a doctor, and being sent on your way to jump right back into life as normal. It’s an illness you have to learn how to manage continuously and will continue to present itself in your life even when you are sober. Due to this, rehab will get you sober, but not keep you sober. What you do when you leave rehab is what really will determine your success, which is why even though all these programs may seem like a lot, they really do shape you for success by giving you so much support in your day-to-day life and personal challenges. Again, I’m not saying you need to do everything on this list. Some people can manage sobriety just by going to occasional meetings and seeing a personal therapist. Others need a lot more help. the illness of addiction is a spectrum and some people don’t need as much “treatment” as others, and no matter where you are on the scale there IS help and you CAN accomplish sobriety!

Four stages of addiction: my personal account. To clarify: Me sitting on the couch is me in January 2021. I am telling my food addiction story that happened January 2020 – March 2020

Glow up Diaries SEASON 1:
Glow up Diaries SEASON 2:!

This video was originally part of Glow up Diaries Season 2 but I have decided to restart the series. Click the link above to watch the FULL story!

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My Spotify: Fiercelivy
Music by @hiveriot – Undercover via @hellothematic

⚑ FTC This video is not sponsored. Some of the above links are affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase, but it doesn’t cost you anything extra!
Video Rating: / 5

Basic Addition|Addition for Kids|Basic Addition For Kindergarden|Learn Addition|Add|Premath Concept

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Basic Addition|Addition for Kids|Basic Addition For Kindergarden|Learn Addition|Add|Premath Concept

This one is from LoveToLearn-Kids Zone.

LoveToLearn Channel also includes:
Do You Know , Fun n Entertainment , Maths Zone

This includes Concept of Basic addition for kids with the help of pictures.
Here we will learn about Basic addition concept for kids,What is addition and how to add.
This is the basic maths concept or premath concept for students or kids.

Basic Subtraction For Kids:

My Previous Premath Video 1:

My Previous Premath Video 2:

Before After Between Numbers For Kids Video:

Greater Than Less Than Equal for Kids Video:

Concept of Zero ‘0’ for Kids Video:

Tens and Ones Concept Video:

Basic Maths concept for nursery, LKG, UKG,Kindergarden,Playgroup, Preschoolers,Class 1,Class 2,Class 3,Grade 1,Grade 2,Grade 3


Basic Addition
Basic Addition For Kids
Basic Addition For Kindergarden
Basic Addition for Preschoolers
Basic Addition for Toddlers
Basic Addition for Grade 1
Basic Addition For Grade 2
Basic Addition For Grade 3
Basic Addition For Class 1
Basic Addition For Class 2
Basic Addition For Class 3
Addition And Subtraction
Addition for Kids
Addition for Kids Grade 1
Addition Sums
Addition Tricks
Addition For Class 1
Addition For Class 2
Addition For Class 3
Basic Addition Tricks
Basic Addition lesson
Basic Addition lesson for Kindergarden
Basic Addition Math lesson
Learn Addition
Learn Addition For Kids
Learn Addition For Kindergarden
Learn Addition For Grade 1
Learn Addition For Grade 2
Learn Addition For Grade 3
Learn Addition and Subtraction
Basic Addition Maths
Basic Addition And Subtraction
Basic Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division
Addition for Class 2
How To Teach addition for UKG students
Addition and Subtraction
Addition for Class 1
What is Addition
Learn add
Learn add for kids
Learn add Math
Learn to add
Learn to add numbers
Learn to add Kindergarden
Learn how to add numbers
premath concept
pre math concepts
pre math concepts for nursery
pre math concepts for lkg
pre math concepts for ukg
pre math concepts for kindergarden
pre math concepts for class 1
Preschool math concepts
Learn pre math concepts
Learn premath concepts
pre number concepts in maths
pre number concepts
pre number concepts for kindergarden
pre number concepts for class1
Maths basics
Basic Maths
Maths basics for kids
Maths basics for ukg
Maths basics for class 1
Maths basics for ukg class
Maths basics for ukg students
Video Rating: / 5