He discovered a simple secret to having more energy, turbo-charging his sex drive, and getting a lean, muscular body even Arnold Schwarzenegger would envy.
Once you hear Olivier’s story, you will discover the EXACT thing you need to do to go from sluggish and depressed, to happy and having lots of sex!
The Addiction Behaviors Checklist mobile app was designed to track behaviors characteristic of addiction related to prescription opioid medications in chronic pain patients. Items are focused on observable behaviors noted both during and between visits. The Addiction Behaviors Checklist is focused on longitudinal assessment and tracking of problematic behaviors. Video Rating: / 5
Why are some able to transcend their addiction while others are not? What do people really need to escape the shame of their addiction and achieve sustained recovery? Jacki’s talk focuses on answering these questions and demonstrates how resilience of the human spirit intersects with social contextual factors to set the stage for those struggling with addiction to choose a pathway to health.
Videography credits
Jenn Calaway, Enhancer
Michael Hering, Lodo Cinema
Sarah Megyesy, Side Pocket Images
Satya Peram, Flatirons Films
Sean Williams, RMO Films
Anthony Lopez, Cross Beyond
David Oakley Video Rating: / 5
Addiction is defined as a harmful relationship with a substance or behaviour.
It is commonly associated with smoking, alcohol and drugs. But as a condition it’s difficult to understand.
Do we treat it as a neurological disorder? Or is it a personality trait? And how can we best overcome it, when current treatments for addiction have a relapse rate of about 70 percent?
Dr Farrah Jarral travels to the University of Massachusetts to meet a psychiatrist who is using the power of the mind to overcome addiction.
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Addiction is a complex disorder that can be defined as a “loss of control over a reward-seeking behaviour” (Robert West, 2006). According to Kolb and Volkow (2010;2016), the cycle of addiction involves three stages, each of which implicate distinct neurobiological circuits: 1) Binge-intoxication; 2) Negative Affect and Withdrawal; 3) Preoccupation and Craving. This brief animation will explain these stages, along with the key neural structures that are impacted (and altered) by chronic drug use.
This video is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Visit Carleton’s Neuroscience Department at https://carleton.ca/neuroscience/ and check out the podcast at http://mindingthebrainpodcast.com Video Rating: / 5
Only one in nine people in the United States gets the care and treatment they need for addiction and substance abuse. A former Director of National Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli is working to end this epidemic and treat people with addictions with kindness, compassion and fairness. In a personal, thoughtful talk, he encourages the millions of Americans in recovery today to make their voices heard and confront the stigma associated with substance use disorders.
The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.
Follow TED on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TEDTalks
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Triggers are things that make you feel a certain way or want to do certain things. Negative triggers can prompt feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety or anger. Positive triggers help us feel happy, energized and increase our confidence.
Also check out our other podcasts, Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery and Addiction Counselor Exam Review
#trigger #relapseprevention
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The on demand course Neurobiology of Addiction, Mental Health Issues and Trauma (14 Hours) at allceus.com is based on this podcast/video
AllCEUs provides #counseloreducation and CEUs for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs and LCSWs as well as #addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education.
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#AllCEUs courses are accepted in most states because we are approved as an education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions.
This was recorded as part of a live #webinar Video Rating: / 5
As Bobby C & Beverly Dive into the Power of I AM friends be careful what words you put after them. The importance of Connecting with Others, Affirmations, Putting our Attention & Energy into what we Desire to improve a Healthy / Balanced Lifestyle. And some reasons why we Left AA & the 12 step Delusion. Come Join us at Anonymous Addiction @mytruthaboutAA As “Bobby C” See’s It Private Group on Facebook.
Relapse Prevention and Awareness Activities to assist in preventing relapse from anxiety, addiction, depression and autoimmune issues.
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Emotional Relapse
~ In emotional relapse, your emotions and behaviors become negative and unpleasant.
~ You start finding it difficult to experience pleasure
~ What triggers your negative emotions (Anger/resentment/jealousy/guilt; anxiety/fear/stress; depression)
Emotional Relapse
~ Negative emotions make us uncomfortable
~ Identify the emotion, explore why you are feeling that way and take steps to fix the problem
~ You can become stuck in the emotion, sometimes
~ Nurturing and blowing it out of proportion
Preventing Emotional Relapse
~ Practice mindfulness
~ Increase positive experiences (real and guided imagery)
~ Keep a gratitude journal
~ Avoid personalizing something that may not be about you
~ Remember that…
~ Negative emotions are the mind’s way of telling us to get off our butts and do something—Like our car’s idiot light or hunger pangs
~ Dwelling on, nurturing, avoiding or hiding from negative emotions never makes anything better
~ You can *choose* to feel and fix, or relapse and repeat
~ List 10 things that you chose to get anxious or angry about over the last week…
Mental Relapse
~ In mental relapse there’s a war going on in your mind.
~ Part of you wants to stay positive, but part of you is struggling with tolerating the distress.
~ The signs of mental relapse are:
~ Focusing on the negative
~ Having a pessimistic/helpless/hopeless attitude
Mental Relapse
~ What types of things trigger negative thoughts?
~ What thoughts do you have that make you feel
~ Angry/irritated/resentful
~ Guilty
~ Envious
~ Scared/Anxious/Worried/Stressed
Identifying Unpleasant Thoughts
Preventing Mental Relapse
~ Prevent and address vulnerabilities that can make you focus on negative or have a strong, negative emotional reaction
~ Good Orderly Direction
~ Your life is a road map
~ The destination is recovery and happiness
~ Before you act, think whether that keeps you on the right road, or is an unplanned detour
~ Maintain Head-Heart-Gut Honesty (Rational, Emotional, Wise Mind)
Social Relapse
~ Symptoms
~ You have returned to the old people and places who co-sign on your b.s.
~ You have withdrawn from your social supports
~ You have become self-centered
~ You have withdrawn
~ What triggers your social relapse
Preventing Social Relapse
~ Contact your social support(s) on a daily basis for the first 3 months
~ Keep a business card in your wallet with the names and numbers of 3 social supports
~ Find at least one prosocial activity to do each week —volunteer, church, go to the gym
Preventing Physical Relapse
Review Strengths
~ What is life like when you are happy?
Review Prior Relapses
Dare to DREAM
~ Determination
~ Resilience
~ Exceptions
~ Awareness of vulnerabilities
~ Motivation
Relapse Prevention Planning
~ Include time in the morning and at night to use mindfulness skills to “get grounded”
~ Identify and prevent or mitigate vulnerabilities each day
~ Avoid alone, idol time if your mind tends to wander to dark places
~ Incorporate positive experiences each day
~ Set realistic daily goals
~ Give yourself credit for positive accomplishments
#addictionrecovery #relapseprevention #support
AllCEUs courses for counselor continuing education are accepted in most states because we are an approved education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions, the Australian Counselling AssociationCRCC, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and more.
Dr Dawn Elise Snipes provides training through AllCEUs.com that are helpful for LPC CEUs LMHC CEUs LCPC CEUs LSW CEUs LCSW CEUs LMFTCEUs CRC CEUs LADC CEUs CADC CEUs MAC CEUs MCAP CEUs NCC CEUS LCDC CEUs CPRS CEUs CTRS CEUs and HPCSA ACA #NBCC counsellors needing counselling continuing education counseling continuing education ceus for social workers social work ceus addiction counselor training counseling ceus continuing education training
NCMHCE addiction treatment, addiction recover,y mental health, anxiety relief, depression, motivation, mental health awareness, addiction awareness and integrated behavioral health approaches to treatment CEbroker CE broker @cebroker lpc ceus lmhc ceus lcsw ceus mental health mental illness Video Rating: / 5
Shawn, a promising athlete, took a turn towards alcohol and drugs. After 18 years of addiction, jail, detox, and treatment facilities, he found sobriety. Shawn began rebuilding his life. In an effort to bring help to others who were struggling, he founded a Pura Vida Recovery (PVR), an active sober community. In two short years, PVR has changed the landscape of recovery in Spokane, welcoming over 400 addicts walk through the front doors that display the organization’s motto, “Fit for change, Fit for life.”
Shawn, a promising athlete, took a turn towards alcohol and drugs. After 18 years of addiction, jail, detox, and treatment facilities, he found sobriety. Shawn began rebuilding his life. In an effort to bring help to others who were struggling, he founded a Pura Vida Recovery (PVR), an active sober community. In two short years, PVR has changed the landscape of recovery in Spokane, welcoming over 400 addicts walk through the front doors that display the organization’s motto, “Fit for change, Fit for life.”
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx Video Rating: / 5
NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We’ve flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it falls outside TEDx’s curatorial guidelines. This talk only represents the speaker’s personal understanding of and experiences with medical treatment, mental health, addiction, consciousness, energy, and human physiology and is not corroborated by scientific evidence. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here: http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf
Addiction continues to permeate our society and our lives in increasing numbers and new ways. The traditional addiction treatment paradigm insists that addiction is an incurable and chronic disease requiring lifelong symptom management. Thanks to advances in neuroscience and epigenetics, we now know that when underlying issues are resolved, addictions, depression, PTSD and anxiety can also be fully resolved. For over a decade, Dean Taraborelli has challenged traditional models head-on with a revolutionary Integrative Addiction Recovery program that combines the latest advances in science with ancient healing modalities to treat the whole person and has helped hundreds of clients to be recovered from addiction and to live full, meaningful lives. This provocative talk will challenge fundamental, underlying assumptions about addiction and paint an exciting path to a cure for what was previously thought to be incurable. Dean Taraborelli: He is the Founder, Administrator, Counselor at the Sanctuary at Sedona. He has a BA in Political Science and is currently Senior teaching staff at Four Winds Society, an international school of energy medicine. His credentials also include being an Ordained Minister; a Certified Shamanic Breathwork® Facilitator; a Founding Member Society for Shamanic Practitioners; a Member of Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology; a Member of National Institute for Holistic Addiction Studies. Dean has traveled extensively to sacred sites in over 60 countries to study world mythology, religion, spirituality, wisdom traditions and indigenous healing and wellness practices. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx Video Rating: / 5
One in five Americans in their life will develop a serious addiction to drugs or alcohol. Addiction isn’t as simple as a failure to make good choices. The U-M Addiction Center – one of the leading centers in the country – is driving research forward and developing solutions to revolutionize how we approach and treat addiction disorders. Video Rating: / 5